Customer : Any legal entity entering into a contractual relationship with Section-Cutter.
Section-Cutter is a brand name and part of Concept-Engineering BV.
Concept-Engineering BV
Company number : BE0846.472.082
Bautersemstraat 55 - 2550 Kontich - Belgium
KBC - BE30731024748311
An order is not considered accepted until it has been confirmed in writing or by e-mail by Section-Cutter and is governed by the following general terms and conditions.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, all prices in communications from Section-Cutter are expressed in euros and exclude V.A.T. A VAT rate of 21% applies to our range. Prices are subject to errors. Section-Cutter is not liable for any consequences of these errors and cannot be held liable for incorrect price indications or specified cutting sizes.
First order : prepayment on account BE30 7310 2474 8311 – BIC KREDBEBB – by banktransfer.
Second order : 30 days invoice date after signing the Core mandate.
We only accept payments without any bank fees for Concept-Engineering.
We depend on our suppliers, who in turn depend on the supply of the factories and transporters they work with. For the time being, should any product not be out of stock on time, we will contact you to make further arrangements.
Worldwide happen on average within 4 weeks, after receipt of payment. Packages are delivered to your home by FEDEX
Once a parcel has left our premises, we are dependent on our deliverer. We are therefore not liable for any delays that may occur.
Guarantee of proper functioning of the custom-made product up to 1 month from delivery date. The claim to any warranty lapses in any of the following circumstances:
Cases of force majeure, causes lying with our suppliers and the carrier, suspend the performance of our commitments.
Belgian law (and expressly not the Vienna Sales Convention) applies to any dispute that would arise from an agreement between Section-Cutter and you, the customer. Disputes that would arise fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district of Antwerp and the Vredegerecht Kontich.
Section-Cutter cannot be held liable for damage resulting from products purchased from us. Section-Cutter cannot be held liable for not functioning properly due to abnormal shape of the bottle, as a result of which the concept cannot work.
Complaints may be sent to